Please don't migrate questions like this one:
Could you help correct this paragraph [closed]
I had started working a full-time job since I wasn't graduated. After almost 2 years of working, I find myself exhausted and lost. I decided to take a gap year in 2022 to resort everything and gain my skills. I'm so excited about next year, I earned enough money and now I can live with my family, doing things I love and hopefully come out to be a better version of myself.
The What topics can I ask about here? page is clear that asking the community to check text for errors is off-topic. At a minimum, the author should identify what part of the text they're having trouble with. This post on EL&U's meta explains a bit more why these sorts of migrations are a problem for ELL: Please don't migrate obviously off-topic questions to ELL - it just makes things harder on the author
Migrating a question is not migrating a user. If you think ELL would be helpful to someone even though their question isn't on-topic, by all means suggest they check us out. Please don't make it harder for them by migrating an off-topic question that can't be salvaged.